Thanks for writing this Stephanie! I appreciate you using your influence to spur this dialogue. I too wrote a blog wherein I tried to cite commonly-known female data vizers, which I found to be sadly too difficult. POC even more heartbreaking.
While I feel I do bounce between creating more corporate/spartan visuals and hand-drawn/artistic ones with that “human touch,” to me at least the latter more easily embrace the principles of feminist data viz outlined by Ignazio and Klein. I think if we were seeing more of that style in general it would change the game completely. So I personally critique the profession of design and design standards in general. This is a great podcast that dives into that critique a bit.
I think what you have so generously offered here is scratching the surface. If you or any of your readers care to read it, I also wrote a blog about using data storytelling to disrupt white supremacy culture here. We’ve got our work cut out, eh? Let’s keep it up!